About me

The occult and the supernatural have always been part of my family, and it was way back in 2009 that I became interested in learning Tarot. Back then, it was enough for me to know the cards, but life happened. It was a Tower moment in 2018 until 2020 that pushed me to read for others.


Hello there! I’m Sha Ke. I‘m a multimodality Tarot advisor and I incorporate Tarot in my other modalities. I’m also an Akashic Records Reader/Healer and a Reiki Master. I’m also a Biddy Tarot Certified Advisor and Mysterium Philippines facilitator. Empowering people’s lives through Tarot is one of my mission-vision. 






My Story


My learning with Tarot is an unending journey. This year I became a Biddy Tarot Certified Advisor and became a facilitator in Mysterium Philippines Intro to Tarot and Intuitive Awakenings classes


I took the Intro to Tarot class of Mysterium Philippines and that’s where the rabbit hole started. I took other classes like Akashic Reading/Healing, Astrology, Karma Clearing,  Reiki, and Seraphim Blueprint. I also started mentoring in Mysterium Philippines. This was also the year I became an In-House Reader of Astro Northstar PH and an astrologer/tarot advisor of Nebula app.


Life happened and I started pursuing Tarot and getting serious about it since I now had the opportunity. I started reading for others and taking the craft seriously. There’s a newfound joy and passion in me reading for others. I’m done learning Tarot for myself and decided to also use it for others.


My Tarot journey really started because of Persona games. Remember how I’m fascinated with angels, demons, and deities? These games have them all. My interest in Tarot started this year. I started reading about the cards and the archetypes they embody.

2000 – 2008

My father had some books about LNK and Kabbalistic magic, and I oftentimes read about them. I was also introduced to astrology and numerology at an early age. This was also when I started reading about demonology and angelology. I find these topics fascinating. 


Events, etc.

Aside from being a Mysterium Philippines facilitator, I’m a reader at Nebula app at AstroEcho where I offer tarot reading services to users all over the world. I’ve also done live event readings and corporate readings.

About Me

Sha Ke

Biddy Tarot Certified Advisor | Reiki Master
Akashic Records Reader and Healer | Mysterium Philippines Facilitator

Hello there! I’m Sha Ke. I‘m a multimodality Tarot advisor and I incorporate Tarot in my other modalities. I’m also an Akashic Records Reader/Healer and a Reiki Master. I’m also a Biddy Tarot Certified Advisor and Mysterium Philippines facilitator. 

I’ve been in the freelance industry since 2011 where I get direct clients from abroad. But I guess my journey as a freelancer has ended since it no longer brings spark or joy in me. As for my educational background, I’m a graduate of BS Food Technology in the University of the Philippines – Los Banos where I’ve been affiliated with different organizations and sorority. 

  • Tarot
  • Astrology
  • Akashic records reading


Tarot, Akashic Reading, Reiki, etc.


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